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5 Ways to Stand Out at Tradeshows

You've got more than 10,000 people walking by your booth, here's how to make the MOST of it! From sales to creating social content to building a stronger connection with your audience, we're sharing 5 actionable tips on how to make the most of your time at a trade show.

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🌱Free Webinar from Piquant Marketing🌱

Our food-marketing friends at Piquant Marketing are going to go over exactly how to navigate social media, events, and build a community so that you can build a thriving and adaptable business in 2023.

This live event was recorded on November 29, but we'll send the recording for you to watch whenever you like!

At Planted Expo, our mission is to help Plant-Based businesses and products thrive!

During this free training you'll learn:

🌱How to build a community through social media (including Instagram and TikTok!)

🌱How to incorporate your own personal brand in your marketing

🌱How to use influencer marketing in 2023

🌱How to leverage events to build your customer base, build your marketing assets, and connect with other brands

Hosted by Piquant Marketing

Piquant Marketing is a full-service marketing agency that helps build communities around food brands that are changing the world. Owner and President Lindsay O'Donnell has been plant-based for 14 years and has worked with hundreds of brands to find their own unique voice in a changing digital landscape.

She's leading this free training with tips on how to use digital and traditional media in 2023. You don't want to miss this!

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